It has been a while since I’ve run my "Four websites for…" feature, but because the blogosphere is certainly big enough for an assortment of views in the employment law area,  I’m pleased to pass on the names of a few new employment law blogs that I’ve heard about over the last few weeks.

  • The first one is the Connecticut Employee Rights Blog, created by Hartford Attorney Richard Hayber.  Because Richard exclusively represents individuals, he’ll bring a more narrow  focus to an employment law blog.  Richard and I have already been exchanging views and comments on some cases so I welcome Richard to the arena and encourage readers to take a peek at his blog.
  • Another blog, HR Legal Source, started up by a group of Ohio lawyers, is designed to tackle current HR issues. They use some powerpoint presentations to make their point, but they seem poised to bring some of their insights into the area.  They report, for example, on an interesting case out of the federal Third Circuit Court of Appeals, that said that death threats and racial slurs may not be "direct" evidence of discrimination.  The author’s e-mailed me last week about their developments and it too is worth a gander.
  • The Delaware Employment Law Blog, which is run by a team of lawyers at Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP, started recently and already they are churning out several posts on a near daily basis.  One of their most recent posts is entitled "Mommy Bias — Truth or Fiction" and concludes that it is more fiction than real.  They are also kind enough to link to this blog which should count for something. 
  • The last new blog for the day isn’t really new; they just celebrated their 100th post.  But they haven’t been in my radar screen and the blog’s author was kind enough to drop me a line this week about it.  The blog, aptly titled Labor & Employment Law Blog, has two goals, according to its founders:

Our goals since day one have been (1) to provide relevant information and content about the many federal labor and employment laws that affect businesses and organizations, and (2) to offer suggestions that employers and HR professionals might wish to consider when creating or evaluating employee-related programs and policies or when faced with an employee issue.

With a broad range of material to cover and report on, HR managers and others will surely find something they can relate to in their materials.

UPDATE: No sooner did I publish this blog post, did I receive word that Michael Moore, now of McNees Wallace and Nurick has launched a new employment law blog as well. Moore’s new blog is the Pennsylvania Labor and Employment Blog. It launched yesterday. Michael has guest blogged on this blog before and he has some interesting insights on human resource issues and employment law issues. It’s worth checking out.