Thanks to all who joined us at today’s webinar that looked at the employment law ramifications of employment law.  We had over 100 people sign up for this session.

For those who were unable to join us, you can download a variety of materials related to the webinar. They are:

Notably, about 30 percent of the webinar attendees did not use any social networking site and many reported that their companies still restricted employee access to such sites in some way (though notably, some companies have embraced it fully).

What site did most participants use? LinkedIn (though Facebook ran a close a second) with 61% acceptance.  About 25 percent of webinar participants used Twitter (which may be a case of self-selection, since I posted about the webinar on Twitter in the first place.)

Our monthly webinar series continues the second Wednesday of every month. Next up in September will be a look at the FMLA laws, featuring a guest speaker from the Connecticut Department of Labor. Full details (including a signup) will be available soon.

(Please note that the materials available for download are copyrighted by my law firm; if you would like to use such materials in the future — beyond Fair Use — please make such request in writing.)