At a Sentencing Commssion hearing last week, former state lawmaker Ernie Newton — who was convicted in 2006 on corruption charges — urged commission members to address hiring discrimination against ex-felons, reports CT News Junkie.  There is no indication yet that they will do so, but his comments raised some eyebrows in the press.

Newton’s comments aren’t the first time, though, that the issue of hiring discrimination against felons has surfaced as a legislative proposal.  Back in 2010, the legislature overrode Governor Rell’s veto of a bill that restricts the use of background checks for state job applicants. 

Despite that, private employers are still free to make hiring decisions based on a criminal conviction. 

The topic is not going away any time soon.  In April, the EEOC released new guidance that suggested that employers use arrest and criminal records in their decision-making process with care.  The agency suggested that under some circumstances, there may a violation of Title VII if used improperly. 

With the state budget again dominating discussions, it is unclear yet whether the General Assembly has any desire to take up legislation on this topic any time soon.  The “long’ year begins on January 9, 2013 and runs to June 5, 2013.