Earlier this week I came across a fun article about how old art pieces appeared to show evidence of time travel and I thought about the work we do as lawyers.
Let me explain.
Take a look at this piece of art from the mid 1800s.

From a
Insight on Labor & Employment Developments for Connecticut Businesses
Earlier this week I came across a fun article about how old art pieces appeared to show evidence of time travel and I thought about the work we do as lawyers.
Let me explain.
Take a look at this piece of art from the mid 1800s.
From a…
What does it feel like winning the lottery? I don’t know but it has to feel a lot like getting picked for jury duty.
(Wait, am I the only one to get excited at the prospect of jury duty? <grins sheepishly>)
If you’ve been reading this blog long enough, you may remember that I’ve been called to jury duty before. Sometimes, it’s been cancelled but back in 2011, I made it all the way to a courtroom — only to be dismissed when I noted that I knew the attorneys at both lawfirms.
Anyways….I’ve been called to jury duty again next week, which gave me the inspiration for this week’s Employment Law Checklist Project post #emplawchecklist. The law is found in a different section than most — and a reminder that not all the laws that employers have to follow are in one neat package.
In fact, this might be one of more confusing employment laws out there.
The key portions of jury duty are actually found in two separate provisions. If your eyes glaze over at the laws, just skip to the summary down below.Continue Reading Employment Law Checklist Project: Protecting the Sacredness of Jury Duty
Returning from the ABA Meeting today, there were two stories over the last couple of days that have received some press. Taken together, they show the difficulties that companies and individuals have in predicting both the outcome of lawsuits and the costs of them.
First, the stories: