As summer rolls on, I thought it would be helpful to talk about some issues that come up from time to time with employers. (I’ll continue to have more on new developments — including a decision in the SEBAC matter, and the governor’s approval of the gender identity and paid sick leave bills — as
A Modest Proposal for What Happens Next for the CHRO
UPDATED 7/7/11
With yesterday’s stunning announcement that all proceedings at the Office of Public Hearings are suspended indefinitely (see this notice), the question that arises is: What Happens Next?
The answer is only known to the Governor and staff at the CHRO.
But last year, my law partner, Joshua Hawks-Ladds published a…
Who Says Legislation Isn’t Fun: OLR Background Reports on Blood Pressure & The Unemployment Rate
What do blood pressure and batting averages have to do with the unemployment rate?
Well, more than you might think — at least according to the Office of Legislative Research. This little-known state office is a gem, constantly providing reports that — more often than not — are well written and useful.
Afternoon Legislative Update: Keeping Eyes on Bill Prohibiting Use of Credit Reports
For the second time in a month, the legislature has tucked an amendment into a bill that seemingly had no relationship to the original bill and that will have a significant impact on employers in the Connecticut.
Latest case in point: Senate Bill 80 (S.B. 80) which is titled "AN ACT CONCERNING ELECTRONIC UNEMPLOYMENT…
Four for…General HR Knowledge for Employers from the Connecticut Department of Labor
It’s been much too long since my last installment of "Four for…", an occasional post on some useful web resources that you might overlook in your day-to-day work.
This post focuses on four things you can find on the Department of Labor website that are particularly helpful for employers.
(Nearly) Everything You Wanted to Know About Unemployment Compensation Laws in Connecticut
Leave it to librarians to come up with a great new resource page for learning about Connecticut’s unemployment laws.
I can hear the chuckles now. Librarians?
Yes, librarians.
As long-time readers of the blog know, one of the best kept secret resources for attorneys and businesses are the judicial branch law libraries. They continue to serve as a…
Out With the Old – Stories From 2008 That Might Have Been Overlooked
Over the holiday break, I took a look at various stories that I had "starred" in Google Reader for later reading and followup in the blog. (You ARE using a RSS Feed Reader to subscribe to this blog, right?)
The list is long. But part of starting a new year for me is doing a bit…
Job Losses Likely to Increase In Connecticut; Lawsuits Soon to Follow?
The headlines over the weekend for Connecticut have not been kind. Two were particularly striking. First, the Courant ran a story entitled "Sizable Job Losses Expected in State". The second was a story about the expected closing of The Goodwin Hotel, one of Hartford’s premier hotels.
Both indicate a local economy that…
“Layoffs, RIFs and WARN, Oh My!”: Providing Notice of Potential Mass Layoffs and Plant Closings Can Reduce Legal Risks
Six months ago, I predicted a renewed emphasis on reduction in force laws and regulations with the possibility of an economic slowdown looming. With six months left to go in the year, I’m still feeling good (if you can feel "good" about such things) about that prediction.
Is the economy still on the yellow…