At the beginning of the year, I gave a forecast: Layoffs and Reductions in Force would start looming large. For all the talk about wage and hour lawsuits, those suits would seem trivial when people starting losing their jobs. And indeed, they have — while at the same time the numbers of discrimination claims filed have risen to record levels.
So, with all this sour news, what do we have to be thankful for?
Well, my fellow blogger, John Phillips, suggests we take guidance from Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving speech of 1863. Another, Carolyn Elefant has some simpler guidance. And Connecticut blogger extraordinaire Susan Cartier Liebel has a jaw-dropping photo of soldiers from WWI that reminds of us the true meaning of liberty.
I don’t have anything as profound this morning. And even with all the difficulties out there (and as the attacks in Mumbai remind us again), there are many things and friends to be thankful for.
So, too you, the reader: My sincere thanks. I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.