Writing a blog can be a lonely endeavor at times with the question of "Will anyone read this?" popping up from time to time. 

And while the blog had its 400,000th (!) visitor earlier this month, it’s always nice to get some additional encouragement.  

So, a tip of my hat to Above the Law and Point of Law forum for their references to my blog over the last 36 hours.

And a short while ago, I discovered that the blog was discussed in the Wall St. Journal’s "Best of the Web" column, and it should be in Saturday’s print editions.  (You can get the online version here). A special thanks to the WSJ for the reference.

And to those readers visiting for the first time, feel free to stay awhile. While this may be a "specialized" blog (in the words of the WSJ), there’s plenty of things of interest, particularly for employers in Connecticut. 

Thanks for visiting and thanks for reading.   Feel free to e-mail me with questions, topics or comments you might have about the blog.