It’s hard to believe, but this blog celebrates its three year anniversary today and, amazingly enough, its 1000th (!) post. Sometime in the next few weeks or so, the blog will also hit another big milestone — 1 million page views.
And despite thinking that I would run out of ideas somewhere around the 100th post or so, it has continued to thrive and flourish — due in part to your continued readership and assistance.
What will the next year bring? Who knows. With rare exception, I’ve been able to post nearly every business day and I expect that to continue. If there’s something you’d like to see or some topic you’d like to hear about, let me know and I’ll try to work it into the schedule. I’ve tried to keep the focus on what would be interesting and notable to employers in Connecticut so keep that in mind if you send something in.
In honor of the occasion, today also has a contest. Figure out the connection that this picture has to today and post it in the comments below. I’ll reference the winner in an upcoming post so be sure to include your correct e-mail address. Good luck.
In the meantime, my deepest thanks to you for your support over these last three years.