While we count down the days before the new blog launches, I thought it would be fun to look back at the nearly 4 years of posts to highlight a few noteworthy ones.
Today, I’ll answer the question: What has been the most popular post ever?
Without a doubt, it is a post I did on a motion to dismiss a lawsuit brought by three wrestlers who claimed that they were employees, not independent contractors of WWE.
Why was it so popular? Well, writing about wrestling didn’t hurt. Turns out that wrestling blogs are even more popular than law blogs. (Go figure).
But beyond that, the post had actual wrestling contracts that had never been seen before through a bit of detective work on my part. That led to lots and lots of interest. (I had over 20,000 visits in one day!)
I enjoyed writing about that case because it gave companies and human resources representatives an opportunity to see how another company handled a employment situation. And it played out in a very public forum.
It also was a good example about how seemingly small lawsuits could lead to big publicity. And it served as a reminder to employers that if you don’t want your business being discussed in public, don’t put the information in a public court filing.