My firm’s two free seminars on October 4th and 18th are filling up fast. It’s no surprise, frankly, given the topics we’re covering.

And now I can announce our special guest speakers! We have a very distinguished group of guests:

  • Heidi Lane, a Principal Attorney at the Department of Labor (and the go-to person on CTFMLA and Paid Sick Leave in Connecticut) (October 4th)
  • Jonathan Kreisberg, Regional Director for NLRB’s Region 34 (Hartford region) (October 4th)
  • Chris Buhl, of the Fairfield County Chamber of Commerce (October 18th)
  • Recently retired judge Robert Holzberg, who just came off the bench after two decades of distinguished service (October 18th)

For more information, please contact  Hope to see a few of you there.