Recently released minutes from a December 2008 meeting (available here) of the CHRO commissioners reveal that an outside search firm is in the process of being retained to assist with an search for a new Executive Director.
The minutes — which are released approximately one month after the original meeting — discuss the status of the Executive Director search here:
Ms. [Michelle] Provost, [Fiscal Administrative Supervisor] also provided a brief overview regarding the status of the contract with Recruitment Enhancement Services for the Executive Director search. The contract has moved through two offices of review within the company. It is now before the final office for review and signature and they anticipate having that accomplished before the next Commission meeting. Ms. Provost added that she will need to determine when their next board meeting will be held so the company can apply for an exemption if needed.
RES is a Houston, Texas-based firm that specializes in effective recruiting for employers. There is no reference in the minutes on how much the contract is for or the expected time frame for completion of the search.
The minutes also reveal some progress on the advisory committee making recommendations to improve the CHRO. The minutes indicate that a draft set of recommendation have been made and are presently being circulated for review and comment:
There was a short discussion regarding the status of the Governor’s Task Force on CHRO. [A speaker] indicated that the last meeting was held in September. A final set of draft recommendations was reviewed by the Office of Policy and Management, who made some minor revisions to them. [A speaker] agreed to forward a copy of the most recent set of draft recommendations to the Commissioners.