With the recent focus on the new Paid Sick Leave law coming in a few weeks, it’s been easy to miss a few court cases that have come out recently that should be of interest to employers and their counsel.

One such case, O’Reggio v. Commission on Human Rights & Opportunities, provides important guidance

In a pair of closely watched decisions, the Connecticut Appellate Court recently affirmed the lower court’s judgments in two related cases, finding that the use of “recent college graduates” or “recent graduate” in job postings did not constitute age discrimination per se.

In the cases, (CHRO v. Travelers and CHRO v. Yale Universit

Last week, Law360 quoted me in an article on marital status discrimination. (They timed it for Valentine’s Day; make of that what you will.)

The gist of the article is that marital status discrimination is something for employers to be mindful of.

And for that premise, I’m in agreement. Several states, including Connecticut, explicitly

Employment discrimination claims are often decided on the merits of the claim. Courts routinely have to answer the question: Did the employer discriminate on the basis of a protected class against an employee in terminating the employment of that individual?

But there’s another class of cases that can resolved on procedural grounds, often times in

Suppose an employee or tenant is the victim of housing or employment discrimination/harassment; what is the value of the ordinary (or in the court’s words “garden variety”) emotional distress that person suffers as a result of such discrimination or harassment.

I’ve actually talked about this before; back in 2021, the Appellate Court was asked

Engaging in the interactive process is an important — and sometimes overlooked — part of an employer’s response to a request for a reasonable accommodation under state and federal law.

I talked about this way back in 2008 (!) when the state Supreme Court released it’s landmark Curry v. Allen S. Goodman decision expanding the

Sometimes it’s hard to appreciate how things have changed since the pandemic hit and the challenges we face going forward.

I was thinking about all those little things over the weekend when I put pocket change in my little “change jar” that I keep in my bedroom.

You see, prior to the pandemic, at the