Leave it to librarians to come up with a great new resource page for learning about Connecticut’s unemployment laws.

I can hear the chuckles now. Librarians? 

Yes, librarians.

As long-time readers of the blog know, one of the best kept secret resources for attorneys and businesses are the judicial branch law libraries.  They continue to serve as a clearinghouse for lots of information that is scattered among the Internet.

The librarians latest creation is a pathfinder page on the state’s unemployment compensation laws.   Among the items of information: various resource guides from the Connecticut Department of Labor and Office of Legislative Research; links to the relevant Connecticut statutes and regulations; library materials; and useful websites.  It’s a great place to start research on the subject.

The pathfinder isn’t perfect. For example, although it links to documents helping to explain what an employee’s rights are, it doesn’t link to the DOL’s "The Employer’s Guide to Unemployment Compensation" — a must read for employers who are addressing the issue of unemployment compensation. 

The Connecticut Department of Labor also has additional information helpful to employers on its website (that isn’t listed on the pathfinder), including information on: Eligibility Requirements, Quality Control Brochure for Employers, Rapid Response Information Packet, Shared Work Program (as alternate to layoffs).

So, while the judicial branch law libraries have provided a great resource to start looking at the unemployment compensation issue, employers should also be aware of other resources out there. But it is a better place to start research than a Google search.