I had anticipated that my post last week would be my final word on the so-called "National Sexual Harassment Registry". But on Monday, the ABA Journal linked to my articles and conducted an interview with the founder of the registry. In the interests of fairness, you can read the interview for yourself.
I don’t have a lot to add from my prior posts. The creator of the registry keeps modifying it, adding disclaimers and trying to suggest that it is not nearly as nefarious as he originally intended.
But if his original Rate My Boss site is any indication, it remains a gossip site that hardly contains the type of fair, accurate information you would want about a workplace.
Want an example? Go to "Boss Review" and search for all the "CT" bosses. It comes up a list of 99 people, including "kmokjgfa kmokjgfa" which, going out on a limb, is not even a person (and has been posted since 2009). Way to monitor the reviews to ensure its accuracy.
And of the list, at least 95 percent of the people listed have a 100% dissatisfaction rate — mainly from one person. Hardly a good sampling of a boss or a place to work.
It is eBossWatch founder’s own words, though, which show the lack of utility of the information on his site. When asked if he had heard from any people who have avoided "bad bosses" because of the site, he could not even mention one.
The founder also claims that he is a bit "confused" about what isn’t "fair" about the Registry — a criticism I’ve leveled before. So here goes:
- The National Sex Offender Registry, which the eBossWatch’s registry is based on, relies on convictions in a court of law. The registry does not; it relies on allegations and has no checks and balances to followup on individuals listed.
- The site had (and likely continues to have) information on a supervisor who allegedly committed sexual harassment, even after a jury exonerated that person (and only took down that information after I raised the issue).
- The site posts information without providing the "offender" the chance to respond or even be notified about his or her inclusion, nor does the registry track cases to determine the status of them.
- The site isn’t open to scrutiny — in the sense that it doesn’t disclose disclosed the size of the database or how it has been compiled. It also does not allow for searches by state (only by name or company name), unlike even the "Boss Review".
- In short, the registry remains veiled in secrecy and cloaked as if it were "authentic".
So, there you have it. I remain unconvinced that the Registry is a site worth looking at for job-seekers or employers.