The central office of the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, currently located at 21 Grand St., Hartford, is moving this week.
But don’t worry, they’re not going far.
Effective December 20, 2010, the commission counsel, fair housing, affirmative action and contract compliance units will be at 25 Sigourney St., Hartford, 06106. Notably, the human rights referees (otherwise known as the Office of Public Hearings) are going to a different location: 450 Capitol Ave., 2d floor, Hartford, 06106.
The central office will retain its current phone numbers. However, the referees’ new telephone number will be (860) 418-8770 and the new facsimile number will be (860) 418-8780. The Website is currently being updated with directions and parking information and will be available soon.
For more information on the move or what else is new with the CHRO, you can see their December newsletter here.