For the last two years, I’ve been really fortunate (and grateful) to have this blog named to the ABA Journal’s Blawg 100 – representing some of the best law blogs out there. This year’s nomination process has begun and the ABA Journal is soliciting entries in the next edition. I’d be grateful if you took a moment to consider this blog and submit a nomination.

(And I’ve also been named to the Lexis/Nexis list of Top 25 employment law blog nominees. Of course, if you’d like to point out your readership of this blog on that list too, that’s fine as well. Each comment is counted as a vote so comment early and often.)
But I thought it would be more interesting, if I highlighted some of the blogs that I think should be considered for both lists.
Last year’s entries in the “Labor” category (including Jon Hyman’s Ohio Employer’s Law Blog, and the Delaware Employment Law Blog) are all deserving of another nomination.
Here are a few others:
- Robin Shea’s Employment and Labor Insider started in late 2010 and has quickly developed into one of my favorite reads. Robin has a terrific writing style that fits her motto that “Legalese is Not Spoken Here”. While she only blogs once a week or so, she makes the most of it. Her recent post on “Worst Practices” of an employer is a great example.
- A blog that has been around awhile, Seth Borden’s Labor Relations Today, has really found its voice and footing lately. Seth has been at the forefront of labor developments and with everything happening at the NLRB and social media, Seth has been all over it. Sadly, he is an avid Red Sox fan, but still…..
- I’ve recently been reading much more from Russell Cawyer and his Texas Employment Law Update too. His updates are oriented towards the practical. And he even has a sense of humor with his recent Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster post and the implications on religious discrimination cases.
- Eric Meyer has been tweeting and writing for some time, but it wasn’t until recently that he launched the modestly-named, “The Employer Handbook”. His typically finds something amusing to write about and shares useful insights for employers. (My only quibble is his overuse of “jumps” which require the reader to click-thru to read the entire article.)
One blog to keep an eye on is the Michigan Employment Law Advisor by Jason Shinn. It’s been around less than six months, but I have found myself reading these posts with some frequency too.
I feel compelled to say that this list is far from complete and that there are plenty of others that I read too — many of which I’ve referred to from time to time. But I thought I would share a few to start a discussion. Feel free to add your suggestions or nominees in the comments below.
As always, thanks for your loyal readership. The Connecticut Employment Law Blog remains among the most widely read blogs of its kind in the nation and I couldn’t do this without you.
(And continuing my music theme of the week, I give you Mariah Carey’s “I Can’t Live (If Living Is Without You)”)