Five years ago during summer, I posted a series of questions for employers to think about during the summer season. I figured it was time to take a look back at them and update them.
Vacations/Paid Time Off — Vacations are a common part of the summer season. Some companies use “Paid Time Off”, while other companies specifically designate that employees can use vacation time. The latest trend is the “unlimited” vacation policy that says that the employee can take time off so long as the job is getting done. But can the employer do anything to regulate these vacation Considerations?
Yes, particularly if the employer’s policies are up to date. What are some questions for an employer to consider?
- Do your policies require employees to seek time off in advance?
- Do you require employees to coordinate with other vacation schedules?
- Do you have a “use it or lose it” policy on vacations, where employees are required to use vacation time by the end of the year, or do you allow for some carryover? If so, how much?
- Do you have employees vacation time on a pro-rata basis? In other words, do employees get a day vacation for each month during the year worked?
- Do your policies dictate that if the employee does take vacation time that has not accrued, what the penalties are?
Friday Sick Days — There’s nothing quite as intoxicating in the summer as the long three-day weekend. And, with that comes “Friday Fever” . The symptoms? An otherwise healthy employee calling in on a beautiful sunny Friday. What are some questions to consider?
- Does it make sense to change to a simple “Paid Time Off” policy that doesn’t distinguish between vacation and sick time?
- What documentation do you ask employees for when out on sick days?
- Do you pay employees for a paid holiday, like Memorial Day, if the employee has been absent the day before or after such a holiday, without approval?
Summer Parties and Office Dress – As with the office party around the December holidays, many companies have corporate outings. With the warm weather, some might even include swimming or decent amounts of alcohol. Summer dress codes also tend to allow for more revealing attire. What can the employer consider for these summer outings and summer dress?
- Are the employers policies on harassment and discrimination up to date and do they make explicit reference to the fact that “work” also includes company-sponsored outings?
- Are dress codes easy to understand and enforce? Do they provide employees with sufficient guidance on what is expected of them?
- Have expectations been set up for employees about what is proper behavior and dress at corporate summer functions?
- Are any summer hires (college or high-school interns) apprised of the rules and regulations of the company, and have employees been advised how to deal with these employees?
These questions are by no means exhaustive, nor are the topics, but with summer in full swing, it’s another way to get through the dog days of summer.