I started this blog less than a year ago with modest expectations. And yet, sometime early Saturday morning, the blog hit its 100,000th visitor.  Pretty amazing stuff.  And I expect, given the pace this blog is now on, to pass even more memorable milestones quickly.

Through all these visits and over 300 blog posts later, I have resisted making any personal requests of you, the blog reader, other than your comments, suggestions and continued readership.  You’ve gotten to hear lots about Connecticut employment law news and information without a peep about my professional interests.

Until now. 

I do not go "off topic" lightly and I have decided to make an exceedingly rare exception because an organization that I am helping needs help.  

You see, some months ago, I was asked to chair the March of Dimes Signature Chef Auction in the courtesy morgue file "foot baby"Greater Hartford, Connecticut area.  March of Dimes is the leading non-profit organization for pregnancy and baby health — with a particular mission of preventing prematurity. 

And, without turning this employment law blog into a personal one, prematurity is an issue that resonated with me.  So I agreed to chair the event and we’ve got a great dinner planned for September 22, 2008, the details of which are available here, with some terrific local chefs participating, like Billy Grant. 

But here’s where you come in: We’re coming up short of even our modest goals. While the chefs have been generous with their help, the corporate sponsors out there — no doubt in response to the economy — have been drying up.  

And fear — actually, panic — is beginning to set in that we may not reach our goals.  

So, out there among the over 100,000 readers to this blog, I know there are a few of you that can sponsor a table or more, or offer a silent auction item, or help in some other way.  I know that there are law firms, companies, and other organizations that can offer services or products, or cash towards the goals. Tables of 10 cost just $1250 and include lots of great food and drink.  But we’ll also take whatever assistance you can provide. 

In essence, we’re looking for a few guardian angels to come in and help.  You can be such an angel.

So, if you’d like to help or contribute, in whatever way you want — even just sitting on our dinner committee — you can contact me using the "contact" buttons at the top of this blog, or contact the March of Dimes staff responsible for the event, Deb Poudrier or Dan Blum at 860.812.0080.

Thank you again for your readership and for indulging me with this post.

And with that, I now return you to your regularly scheduled employment law discussions.