She warned the public on Monday that the cuts would be deep.  Today, we’re finding out how deep.

Governor M. Jodi Rell today released her proposed budget for the two year period from 2009-2011.   (You can find the summary here and her budget address here.) Although there will be plenty to analyze over the next few weeks and months, the changes she proposes would eliminate several state agencies and commissions while cutting back on several others.

The proposal numbers in the hundreds of pages so this post is not intended to be an exhaustive summary, but here are a few of the highlights of the budget that are relevant to the labor and employment law arena.

The budget would also create a new Middle College program (designed to transition students from the technical high schools and community colleges to additional educational opportunities) and move some of the DOL’s functions to this new program.

Various legislative members have already expressed skepticism and opposition to the Governor’s plan (which is expected). Where the compromise ultimately ends up is a question that we probably won’t know the answer to for some time. 

For employers that rely on various grants from the government or that deal with certain agencies on a frequent basis, the budget certainly indicates that it will not be business as usual in the future.  What that means exactly is simply too early to tell.