By all accounts, Friday’s Law & Technology Symposium by the Connecticut Bar Foundation was a smashing success. Over 125 people attended with dozens more watching online. But beyond the numbers was the feedback from the attendees who appreciated the symposium for the content it delivered. It’ll soon be posted on the internet for download and we’ll share the details once its available.
My thanks, once again, to the terrific Connecticut Bar Foundation staff, who assisted in pulling this together, my planning committee, and our sponsors for all their support. And my thanks to all the speakers who came from near and far to speak — for free — to this group. Because of their generosity, we were able to waive any registration fees to the attendees, a luxury to have in this day and age.
At the program, we also announced the winners of the Supreme Tweet contest, in which we asked people to summarize their favorite Supreme Court case in a "tweet" (140 characters or less). It was tough to choose, but here were our three favorites:
- @malson4 Carolene Products – Justice Stone: "Fine, fine, I will put it in a footnote. No one ever reads those things anyways." #cbftech
- @GoldnI Brown v. Board of Education–"Hey Eisenhower, just kidding about the conservative thing. Love, Earl Warren." #cbftech
- @coolasmcqueen U.S. v. Nixon: We have the privilege of informing you that you ARE a crook #cbftech
My thanks to all who participated. We’ll be sending out the prizes to the winners shortly.