By all accounts, Friday’s Law & Technology Symposium by the Connecticut Bar Foundation was a smashing success. Over 125 people attended with dozens more watching online. But beyond the numbers was the feedback from the attendees who appreciated the symposium for the content it delivered. It’ll soon be posted on the internet for download and we’ll
Law & Technology Symposium: The Power of Social Media Through Donuts
At the Connecticut Bar Foundation’s Law & Technology Symposium on Friday at UConn Law School, we spent some time talking about social media and the power of social networking.
Many were convinced; some were not. For employers, it’s still a scary subject. The loss of control and of messaging is just too much for…
Can You Tweet Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court Case? Help Publicize the Bar Foundation’s Technology Symposium!
This post continues my public service outreach on a program developed by the Connecticut Bar Foundation.
As I mentioned earlier this month, I am chairing what I expect will be a terrific educational program on April 9th at UConn Law School on how technology is changing the practice of law. Full details to this…
Technology & The Law Symposium: How Technology is Changing the Practice of Law
For the next few weeks, I will be posting a few items about a technology and the law symposium that I am chairing on April 9, 2010 for the Connecticut Bar Foundation. It is a free program that should be of interest to attorneys and non-attorneys alike. While it is not strictly "employment-law" related…