With spring just about here, it’s time for a little spring cleaning and time to catch up on some things you might have missed.

Like me, you might have overlooked the Connecticut Bar Association’s Labor & Employment Quarterly which was published a short while ago.  If so, consider this your reminder that there are some articles that are worth catching up on. Among the topics:

  • A primer on GINA
  • A discussion about what qualifies as "discipline" under Conn. Gen. Stat. Sec. 31-51q
  • Recent developments at the NLRB.

The fall issue had some other pieces including a good wrapup of the 2010 legislative session

If you want to stay ahead of current events instead of playing catch-up, the next CBA Labor & Employment Law Section meeting is set for March 24, 2011 and promises to have a discussion about the labor situation in Wisconsin from a variety of perspectives.  You can register here.