Sometimes, government is thought of as the enforcer of rules. But sometimes, the government is also in the business of helping businesses too.
The latest example of this is an Employer Resource Guide put out a few weeks ago by the Connecticut Department of Labor. You can download it directly here.
According to its introduction:
This employer resource guide was created to educate all employers on the wide array of programs, services, and incentives available in Connecticut. This guide will be periodically updated, and automatically emailed to all registered employers in CTHires, (, the Department of Labor’s no cost online job bank. In addition, a link to the resource guide will be available on the Department of Labor’s website,
For some larger employers, much of the information contained here may not be news. But for others, there are programs that the government runs that may be helpful. For example, if you are struggling financially and may need to do layoffs, the Department’s Rapid Response Team can provide some assistance. There are also shared work programs, which I’ve talked about before, which allow employers to maintain some staff on reduced hours, while affording the employees the opportunity to collect unemployment compensation too.
Overall, the guide provides some very useful materials on programs that sometimes fall below the radar. If you haven’t taken a look recently at the Department of Labor’s offerings, it’s well worth a few minutes of your time to see if there is a program that matches your company’s needs.