The U.S. Supreme Court this morning, without comment, declined to overturn a NLRB decision that found that Church Homes (also known locally as Avery Heights) committed an unfair labor practice when it failed to reinstate the permanently replaced economic strikers upon their unconditional offer to return to work.  I’ve discussed this case extensively in some

Ed: Updated to reflect newer posts and correct style

There are many employment lawyers who subscribe to the belief that "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished".  A case out of Connecticut and the Second Circuit this month certainly won’t change that perception.  Indeed, although the case may have political undertones, it sets up a classic

The U.S. Supreme Court this afternoon granted certiorari to an important question under the Americans with Disabilities Act, namely whether disabled employees must be reassigned to a vacant position for which they are qualified or merely be permitted to apply for such a position.

In Huber v. Walmart, the Eighth Circuit held for the