I’m pleased to announce an upcoming program that my firm, Shipman & Goodwin and the Connecticut State Council of SHRM are producing next month and that I’ve been planning for several months.
The program, entitled “Data Privacy & Human Resources” will be a unique endeavor for us. First, we are planning on doing it in both our Hartford & Stamford offices at the same time. Speakers will be in both locations (though obviously not the SAME speakers, for those grammar buffs).
On top of that, we will be broadcasting it live via a webinar.
What could go wrong?
Hopefully, nothing, because really, it should be very informative. It’s scheduled for the morning of December 11, 2015.
The first hour will focus on the key things employers need to know about the revisions to the state’s new data privacy law. The second hour will talk about the very latest in human resources including the current status of the proposed overtime regulations and the state’s new social media privacy law.
It’s going to be fast-paced and informative. But space is definitely limited and within the first 48 hours of our e-mail alert, we’re already halfway to our in-person room capacity.
If you’re interested in attending, check out this link and register online. The cost is just $35, but this includes breakfast and the materials. (If you’re watching via webinar, breakfast is on your own — naturally.)
And if you’d like to see the flyer, you can download it here.