October is one of my favorite times of the year. (And no, not just because of the Pumpkin-flavored coffee/donuts/muffins at Dunkin, though that certainly helps). But for the last several years, our firm has been producing our Fall Webinar series.

And this year is no exception.

In our complimentary four-part webinar series (register here

Over on our sister blog, the Employment Law Letter (you’ve subscribed to that one, right?), my colleague Marc Lombardi has word of a potential $17B penalty for potential violations of the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act.

The case arises from the allegations that White Castle required employees to scan their fingerprint in order to access

If you’ve been reading this blog long enough, you know that the budget implementer bill in the state legislature always contains more than just budget items. It’s a “must-pass” bill that normally has items that, for one reason or another, didn’t pass during the regular session but that are important to various legislators.


Early on in this pandemic, I co-authored a post with ADNET Technologies’ Christopher Luise regarding the possibility of digital contact tracing for COVID-19.  I recapped it in a post here as well. 

That possibility is now a reality in Connecticut with the state turning “on” the COVID-19 exposure notification system.

First an explanation. As

Now that Thanksgiving is in the past, it’s time to look forward to the future.

Well, not before getting a recap of everything that transpired in employment law in the last year. Or at least everything that we can fit in an hour long seminar.

The webinar that broke attendance records last year is back

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to speak to the IASA Northeastern Conference on a favorite topic of mine of late — Privacy and Data Breaches in the workplace.

Of course, that sounds kinda of boring.

So my presentation is actually called the title of this post: “The Rise of Smartphone Fueled, Social Media Addicted Workplace