Your employee that you are firing should not hear about his firing from a television report first.
I suppose that would seem an obvious rule to follow. But apparently not.
Let me back up.
Earlier today, the President fired FBI Director James Comey — an act that really is more for politics blogs, than an employment law blog.
But as the details of the firing trickled out in the evening, one detail jumped out at me — James Comey found out he was fired through the television.
Mr. Comey was addressing a group of F.B.I. employees in Los Angeles when a television in the background flashed the news that he had been fired.
In response, Mr. Comey laughed, saying he thought it was a fairly funny prank.
Then his staff started scurrying around in the background and told Mr. Comey that he should step into a nearby office.
Now, I’m sure there are many who don’t feel sorry for Mr. Comey; but still, where’s the humanity in firing someone via television?
Of course, this kind of schtick isn’t reserved just for politics. I remember back in 2009, I gave the following tip as well: Do not do layoffs or firings via e-mail. Period. (And last year, I wrote about how to conduct firings without getting sued too.)
So, for employers that are having to conduct firings, let me offer five suggestions for the actual informing of employees that they are being fired.
- Do it in person if possible, and have a witness. If it’s not possible (distance, other circumstances), a phone call is a backup option.
- Do it in private. Pick a time perhaps near the end of the day (or beginning) and perhaps in a location in the office that is away from crowds.
- Be brief and direct. And plan in advance, what you are going to say. Don’t draw it out, and don’t use wishy-washy language. Some employers start with the “I have some bad news for you today.”
- Don’t argue with the employee or get into lengthy discussions regarding the termination. Be clear that the decision is final.
- Be sensitive. Yes, firing an employee is typically hard on the employer, but guess what? It’s harder on the employee. Always. Acknowledge the employee may disagree with the decision but be consistent with your message.
There is obviously a lot more to a termination meeting than this. Successful meetings are the result of preparation and practice.
But just remember: Your employee should find out he is being fired first from you — not a third party.