The U.S. Supreme Court this morning, without comment, declined to overturn a NLRB decision that found that Church Homes (also known locally as Avery Heights) committed an unfair labor practice when it failed to reinstate the permanently replaced economic strikers upon their unconditional offer to return to work.  I’ve discussed this case extensively in some

Late today, Fox61 (also known as WTIC-TV) released the following statement in response to the publicity surrounding the complaint brought by Shelly Sindland (which I covered last night):

Although WTIC-TV typically does not comment on personnel matters, in this case, because of the personal nature of Ms. Sindland’s attacks on the station and

In recent years, some employers have turned to EPLI (or employment practices liability insurance) to help control their costs. Some find it useful, others do not. But one important part of having the insurance is making sure it applies when you actually have a claim.

A recent federal court case highlights the importance of notifying the insurer of the claims