Yesterday, Senator Chris Dodd gave his farewell speech from the Senate floor. It seems archaic to read a speech, but it’s worth a few minutes of your time, regardless of your politics. He has been a public servant and a tireless advocate for many causes in Connecticut. It will be strange to have a Connecticut
Paycheck Fairness Act Suddenly the Hot Topic
Back in July, the proposed Paycheck Fairness Act, whose lead sponsor is Connecticut’s own Rep. Rosa DeLauro, was still just being tossed around. At the time, I noted that there was criticism of the statistics being used to justify the law.
Now, numerous outlets are suggesting that the bill is close to passage (…
Senator Dodd’s Legacy With Employers Is Clear: Family and Medical Leave Act
Regardless of your political leanings, Senator Chris Dodd — who announced on Wednesday that he will not seek re-election this November — may long be remembered by employers as the Senator instrumental in the passage of the federal Family and Medical Leave Act.
Indeed, in 1993, he authored the FMLA bill that was…
Will Blumenthal’s Departure from Attorney General’s Office Have an Impact on Employers?
The big news in Connecticut this morning has to be the retirement of Senator Chris Dodd and the announcement by Attorney General Richard Blumenthal that he will seek that seat.
This is most definitely NOT a political blog so I’ll leave it to others to figure out the political ramifications.
But what has yet to be…
Sen. Dodd To Introduce Emergency Paid Sick Leave Bill
Following up on my earlier post, Senator Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.) announced this week his plans to introduce emergency legislation that will guarantee paid sick days for those who are infected by the H1N1 virus.
In a statement, Sen. Dodd indicated that this issue required immediate action:
“This isn’t just a workers’ rights issue –
New Civil Rights Act of 2008 on the Legislative Agenda
Workplace Prof has the lowdown on a new bill that’s been introduced in both the Senate and House called the Civil Rights Act of 2008. Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) is a sponsor of the Senate bill. As the Workplace Prof said, it looks like an "employee discrimination wish-list". As drafted, it would:
- eliminate the
FMLA Leave Expanded to Military Families as Part of Funding Bill; Signing Possible Soon
On Friday, Congress passed the first significant amendments to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in over a decade. The Bill still needs to be signed by President Bush in order for it to become effective.
The new bill, which has yet to be signed by President Bush, creates an additional category for…