Today, I’m pleased to highlight a guest post from Steven Scheinberg, the General Counsel of the Anti-Defamation League. I’ve known Steven for several years and was very happy when he offered to share his thoughts on this important topic. Steve actually practiced at a prominent plaintiff’s employment law firm in Connecticut many years ago
World Cup Fever: Workplace Considerations Before Giving Out That Red Card
By Daniel Schwartz on
Among the things I like about having a blog as long as I’ve had is that it provides a snapshot back in history.
Back in 2010, I did a post about how the World Cup would likely disrupt the workplace with everything from streaming videos to vacation time being used. I noted that even…
Free Speech Statute Creates Affirmative Defense, Court Rules
By Daniel Schwartz on
In last week’s post about an important new free speech case from the Connecticut Superior Court, I highlighted one aspect of the court’s ruling.
Today’s post addresses another aspect — though this may have more significance to practitioners in the area than anything else.
Connecticut’s free speech statute, Conn. Gen. Stat. Sec. 31-51q, contains…