In May 2013, a fifth version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is expected to be published.  It is widely anticipated in the mental health field.

What is the DSM-5 all about? DSM is published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and contains descriptions, symptoms, and other criteria for diagnosing mental

The Connecticut Bar Association’s Labor & Employment Law Section is out with their quarterly publication on various employment law articles. Among the topics this quarter:

  • Connecticut’s Family Violence Leave Law
  • "This isn’t discriminatory — and I’m not going to investigate it!" Retaliation? Good policy?
  • The Definition of "Mental Disability" Under CFEPA
  • 2010 Legislative Wrapup


A few weeks ago, I pondered the impact that the Connecticut Supreme Court’s decision in Curry v. Allan S. Goodman would havecourtesy morgue file: fireman (public domain) on cases involving learning and mental disabilities. Turns out, I didn’t need to wait long at all. A CHRO Hearing Officer has already used that decision to chime in and indicate that  must