Once again, the Connecticut Law Tribune has compiled an excellent series of articles on labor and employment law topics for its quarterly supplement which you can view here.

In it, my colleague, Joshua Hawks-Ladds, has a great article on the domestic service worker exemption under various wage and hour laws.   As he points out, not everyone who works in a household will qualify for the exemption.  For example, if a worker spends more than 20 percent of his or her time doing general household work (i.e. cleaning, etc.), then the exemption may not apply. 

With the baby boom generation getting older, there will certainly be an increase in these types of workers in the future. Those employers engaged in those services should look carefully at not only the job descriptions of its employees, but the actual functions of the positions themselves.  Failure to do so, could subject the employee to big claims for overtime and other related wage issues in the future.

Another colleague, Adam Mocciolo, also has an piece in this week’s quarterly that tackles the question of whether and when leased or temporary employees may be eligible for some type of FMLA leave.  Employers that use such services, and those professional staffing organizations, should take a look a the piece. It provides some very useful and practical information on the subject.