If you’ve been reading this blog long enough, you know that the budget implementer bill in the state legislature always contains more than just budget items. It’s a “must-pass” bill that normally has items that, for one reason or another, didn’t pass during the regular session but that are important to various legislators.


Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Labor announced significant new changes to its regulations regarding who is a “domestic worker” and therefore subject to the coverage of the federal laws regarding overtime and the like.

The changes were, in many ways, expected. But the scope of the coverage — expanding it to nearly two million more

As expected, the United States Department of Labor today released its proposed changes to the companionship and live-in worker regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act.  What was unknown was how significant the proposed changes would be.

The short answer: Pretty significant.  The regulations substantially limit the companionship exemption under wage & hour laws to

Once again, the Connecticut Law Tribune has compiled an excellent series of articles on labor and employment law topics for its quarterly supplement which you can view here.

In it, my colleague, Joshua Hawks-Ladds, has a great article on the domestic service worker exemption under various wage and hour laws.   As he