The news this week is both positive and negative regarding the COVID-19 virus. The testing numbers on Tuesday in Connecticut were as bad as they’ve been since Spring 2020. If the virus isn’t everywhere, it sure feels that way.
But, on the vaccine front, the news is positive. We are moving this week to starting Phase 1B which may be broader than intiially thought. And more doses are arriving every day.
For employers, there’s work to do.
Employers in some essential workplaces — including schools — will be able to register their employees. Take a look at the website.
For Phase 1a, the state has required a three step process, which is likely to be followed in Phase 1b. These steps are as follows:
“Step 1: Fill Out the Employer Coordinator Survey
If you are representing your business or organization as the person enrolling your employees, then you’ll need to complete the Employer Coordinator survey here.
Please be sure that you first have a roster of eligible personnel that qualify for the vaccine.
Step 2: Register with the Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS)
After you complete the survey in Step 1, you will receive an email from VAMS within 24-48 hours. This email will guide you through registering your business or organization so your employees can access the vaccine.
Step 3: Upload your Roster of Eligible Employees
Once you have registered in Step 2, you can upload your list of eligible employees. This will allow your employees to schedule a vaccination appointment, based on supply.
Also, as the Employer Coordinator, you will be invited to a virtual training which covers the VAMS process and details how your workforce can access the vaccine.”
Expect further details later this week but employers including schools may want to start thinking about who it may designate an employer coordinator.
I’ve previously provided additional guidance on vaccines and in early February we will be producing a full program for employers on how to manage vaccines in the workplace.
There’s a lot going on right now — both in Washington, D.C. and at home. Employers should be vigilant in ensuring the health and safety of your employees.