While mandatory vaccination policies are all the rage now, there’s an important new Connecticut law that is a “must-do” for employers here and not much time left to get into compliance.

Effective October 1, 2021, employers are prohibited from failing or refusing to provide a job applicant with the “wage range” of the position for which the applicant is applying.  Thus, employers must provide the wage range before or when offering the applicant the job, or when the applicant requests it during the application process — whichever is earlier.

My colleagues and I did a deeper dive into this new law in our sister blog, Employment Law Letter, here yesterday.

Regardless, HR professionals and executives need to be sure that wage ranges are disclosed at some point during the hiring process.

One solution may be to put such ranges in any job postings.  Another solution may be to at least build in the wage range range disclosure in any offer letter.

Regardless, this will also involve (particularly for smaller employers) figuring out what the wage ranges are for positions.

There are several other facets to this new law, including providing disclosures to current employees under some circumstances.  Talk with your legal counsel to ensure that your plan for anticipated compliance will meet the rigors of this new law.