Yesterday, Governor Lamont announced a major series of rollbacks of COVID-19-related restrictions for businesses. We’re still getting all the details, but for employers, the key thing to understand first with all the rollbacks is that certain things are not being rolled back.

  • Face coverings and masks continue to be required
  • Bars that only serve

You read the Sector Rules for reopening offices in Connecticut.

If you read page 5, you’d come across one of the guiding principles for reopening:

As we start opening select businesses…we will open at our strictest controls.  This will include…Those in high-risk groups (comorbidities) and over the age of 65 should continue to stay

If you told me in January that I’d spend a week in May:

  • Holding a surprise car parade (“What’s a car parade?”, I’d be asking) for my wife’s birthday;
  • Sitting 10 feet apart outside in a cul-de-sac with a friend sharing stories;
  • Wearing a Hartford Whalers mask when walking outside;
  • Receiving online grocery deliveries (and

After releasing the reopening guidelines for businesses earlier this week, the state has updated its website to include a new online certification that employers must complete before reopening the physical workplace.

You can find the reopening certification here.

As the website indicates:

Business [sic] must self-certify and commit to comply with the Sector Rules