Yesterday, Governor Lamont announced a major series of rollbacks of COVID-19-related restrictions for businesses. We’re still getting all the details, but for employers, the key thing to understand first with all the rollbacks is that certain things are not being rolled back.

  • Face coverings and masks continue to be required
  • Bars that only serve

Late last week, Governor Lamont announced plans to move into the long-awaited plan to reopening businesses in Phase 3.

The exact timing is still to be worked out but the target date is October 8, 2020.

Phase 3 will ease some of the capacity limits but we’re still awaiting details in specific sector rules that

Memorial Day Weekend, in addition to a time of reflection and observance, is also a time when many of us look at our summer plans and figure out the next three months.

But like many of you, our summer plans have been cancelled. Kids aren’t going to camp. We’re not going on a trip. Even

Updated 10:15a, May 9, 2020

Late Friday afternoon, Governor Lamont announced that Phase I reopenings will occur as soon as May 20, 2020.  These will include “non-essential” offices that had been closed, restaurants, retail stores and hair salons.  Early on Saturday, we also got all the detailed rules that will need to be met to