A recent story in a Forbes blog disclosed how one company fired 25 employees, after monitoring its employees’ computer activity. Of course, the CEO learned that secret recordings work both way, as one employee recorded the termination meeting.
Connecticut employers have special obligations when it comes to employee monitoring.
In terms of surveillance, Conn. Gen. Stat. Sec. 31-48b limits what an employer can do in two main instances:
- First, employers cannot operate “any electronic surveillance device or system, including but not limited to the recording of sound or voice or a closed circuit television system” for the purposes of monitoring employees in areas “designed for the health or personal comfort of the employees or for safeguarding of their possessions, such as rest rooms, locker rooms or lounges.”Obviously, the important limitation on the monitoring is that it cannot be done in places that are typically viewed as more private such as bathrooms or locker rooms. Nevertheless, it also extends to “lounges” as well.
- Second, employers also cannot “intentionally overhear or record a conversation or discussion pertaining to employment contract negotiations between the two parties, by means of any instrument, device or equipment, unless such party has the consent of all parties to such conversation or discussion.”In practical terms, this provision is intended to prevent employers from monitoring union representative discussions — something that the NLRB would typically take issue of anyways.
Connecticut also prohibits electronic monitoring without proper notice, absent some special circumstances. I’ve covered it more extensively here, but the most important aspect is notice.
To provide the notice, the employer must indicate the types of monitoring that may occur, such as telephonic, key strokes, general computer usage, etc. Each employer must post this in a conspicuous place (typically, where an employer has its other “bulletin board” notices, like the minimum wage rate). Putting a reference in an employee handbook is also a wise precaution in case the notice ever gets removed from the board (and it should be noted that notice in a handbook is likely sufficient under the terms of the statute.)(Conn. Gen. Stat. 31-48d.).
If an employer does not routinely monitor employees, the employer can still conduct the monitoring in situations where “(A) an employer has reasonable grounds to believe that employees are engaged in conduct which (i) violates the law, (ii) violates the legal rights of the employer or the employer’s employees, or (iii) creates a hostile workplace environment.”
So what’s the takeaway for employers? If you want to “spy” on your employees, make sure that you let them know what you’re doing.