Election Day is nearly upon us.

And with early voting in Connecticut, more people have already voted than you might think.

Still, on Tuesday our fellow citizens will take to the polls from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. to vote for their favorite candidate. 

Here in Connecticut, the question that arises is: Do employers need

I know. It’s nearly July 4th weekend. No one REALLY wants to hear about employment law in Connecticut.

So for this post, let’s go right over the border to New York where something very interesting is taking place.

Last week, the NY legislature passed a ban on non-compete agreements. Now, before you rip up such

This week, my colleague Sarah Westby and I published a detailed look at the new legal cannabis law in Connecticut and what it means for employers. I’m not going to duplicate the post here but strongly encourage you to read it.

One thing that didn’t make it in the post was strange provision found in

With many workplaces now going on a year with remote workers, issues that were thought to be temporary blips are turning into major headaches.

Suppose your office in Stamford, Connecticut is closed and employee are allowed to work remotely.

What happens to those New York residents who are now working from home 24/7?

What about

Among the employment law questions that most people ask, I can tell you that “Are strippers independent contractors or employees?” isn’t one of them.

And yet, having posed the question, isn’t there something about it that demands an answer? After all, the employment laws we have should apply to everyone, right?

Indeed, as I’ve recounted

The last time that I spoke with Plaintiff’s attorney Nina Pirrotti, the pandemic was just beginning and we were just getting used to our home offices. Now, 10 weeks later, the abnormal has become normal.  My business attire has gotten a bit more casual and my office a bit more organized.

But it seemed a

Employers that have been receiving loans under the Paycheck Protection Program from the CARES Act have a lot to think about to make sure that the loan is forgiven.

One key aspect is that the borrower/employer must spend 75 percent of the loan proceeds on payroll.

That becomes challenging when employees have been furloughed or

As if the pandemic weren’t disorienting enough, the rules and guidance surrounding unemployment compensation feels as if it keeps changing too.

While that’s not entirely accurate — Connecticut’s rules are basically unchanged though some of the application of those rules have been tweaked — the new CARES Act has added a layer of complexity that

From time to time, I have a conversation on this blog (titled “The Dialogue”) with Nina Pirrotti, a prominent labor & employment attorney representing employees in the New Haven area.

With all of us now working from home for the foreseeable future, Nina and I thought we’d bring back this recurring feature — with a