You might need a calculator
You might need a calculator

For yet another year, Connecticut’s minimum wage is on the increase.

Effective January 1, 2016, the Connecticut minimum wage will be raised to $9.60 per hour effective January 1, 2016.

Although the federal minimum wage is $7.25, Connecticut employers must pay the higher rate under state law. The updated wage and hour law poster, including the minimum wage rate for this year is available here.

This notice is required to be posted wherever covered workers are employed, and employers should make sure that the posting is up prior to January 1.

In addition, remember that the minimum wage will increase once again on January 1, 2017 to $10.10 per hour.  All of these changes were mandated as part of Public Act No. 14-1, which was passed in 2014.

Of course, the minimum wage isn’t applicable in all circumstances. In some limited areas, a sub-minimum wage can be used. And for waiters and bartenders, a still different minimum wage can be used too.

In any event, review your payroll now so whatever changes that need to be made can go into effect in a few weeks.