It’s the end of the year.

Which means, for the foreseeable future, employers need to be mindful of the automatic increase to the state’s minimum wage which goes into effect on January 1, 2025.

Currently, the rate is $15.69. However, it goes up to $16.35 on Wednesday.


Connecticut’s minimum wage law, which connects the

As I noted a while back, the inflation that the nation observed in 2023 was likely going to have a substantial impact on the state’s minimum wage.

The law, which connects the state minimum wage to changes in the federal employment cost index (ECI), was originally passed in 2019 when inflation wasn’t of major concern.

As I continue my examination of some of the programs arising from the ABA Labor & Employment Conference held earlier this month in Seattle, one of the more notable topics was addressing wage & hour laws with employees now working across the country.

The great reshuffle has had a significant impact in the workplace since

Back in June, when the state minimum wage increased to $15 an hour, I warned that because the minimum wage was now tied to the employment cost index for wages and salaries for all civilian workers — as defined by the United States Department of Labor — it was likely to go up effective January

While all eyes are on the General Assembly for the developments for this year, we’re still dealing with a law passed several years ago raising the minimum wage.

Effective June 1, 2023, the minimum wage is now at $15 per hour.

Public Act 19-4 requires the minimum wage to increase five times over a five-year

In a non-election year, the Connecticut legislature always seems to be extra busy considering workplace-related bills.

This year is no exception. If anything, it feels like it’s hit another gear. CTNewsJunkie had a detailed article yesterday about the subject.

The Labor & Public Employees Committee has considered, and is considering, a wide array of bills

With inflation running rampant, it’s easy to forget that changes to the state’s minimum wage continue to roll out.  Ever since the passage of the wage hikes a few years ago, employers have been dealing with $1 increases each year.

On July 1, 2022, the minimum wage per hour will increase to $14/hour.  Next year,

Way back in January 2021, I set forth my predictions for the year as I’ve done several times before.

But this line sticks out:

[H]ere’s hoping that 2021 brings some renewed hope and optimism. It’s going to be a tough stretch but I’m hoping that we may be closer to the end of this pandemic