This month, I published a new article for Practicing Law Institute Chronicle entitled Neurodiversity in the Workplace.

The article builds off a post I did last November by taking a look at some of the cases that have tackled the subject.

For those unfamiliar with the topic, I summarized it in the article as

The latest episode of “From Lawyer to Employer”, a Shipman podcast that I’m hosting this season, is now live and it’s all about accommodations and leaves in the workplace.

What we try to tackle, however, are the more challenging or unusual accommodation requests that employers sometimes get. Accommodating someone who is restricted in their

Continuing my series of posts arising from the ABA Labor & Employment Conference earlier this month, one of the most interesting programs I attended was a plenary session on neurodiversity in the workplace.

“Neurodiversity describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; there is no one