This month, I published a new article for Practicing Law Institute Chronicle entitled Neurodiversity in the Workplace.
The article builds off a post I did last November by taking a look at some of the cases that have tackled the subject.
For those unfamiliar with the topic, I summarized it in the article as follows:
Neurodiversity, according to Harvard Health Publishing, is defined as “the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; that there is no one ‘right’ way of thinking, learning, and behaving, and differences are not viewed as deficits.”
It regards individuals with differences in brain function and behavioral traits as part of normal variation in the human population.
Article 6: Neurodiversity in the Workplace | PLI Chronicle: Insights and Perspectives for the Legal Community (February 2024) – PLI PLUS Article
From there, I also talk about some practical pointers for employers to follow as well. Not everything will work for everyone but some creativity can go a long way. For example, as I note in the article, “Employers should consider embracing neurodiversity and restructure traditional workplace processes to enable neurodiverse employees to be successful. Neurodiverse employees are credited with increased attention to detail, sharpened concentration, elevated problem-solving skills, and exceptional pattern recognition, making them invaluable employees.”
My thanks to PLI for asking me to contribute to their prestigious library of articles and thanks to my colleagues Jarad Lucan and Claire Pariano who contributed to this article as well.