For lawyers, anytime there’s a change, it seems to be a big deal. But for employers, change is inevitable and part of business.  Indeed, if a new poster is required by employers, most employers simply shrug and order a new poster on the internet through a site like

My colleague, Jon Orleans (fresh

Finally, today is Election Day.  

And while the pundits tonight will all look forward to what the next four years might bring, it’s worth taking a quick peek back at Obama’s (first?) four years with a review of some of the posts from 2008-9.

Before his term, there were predictions that he would be good

The Department of Labor today proposed new regulations of the FMLA that would explain further the military family leave provisions and incorporate some special provisions for airline flight crews. 

The new proposed regulations are in response to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 which amended the FMLA to extend the military caregiver

Earlier this afternoon, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act of 2010.  By doing so, he approved of several changes to the FMLA .  But before you rip up your existing FMLA policies, the provisions relate to the military-related leaves under the Act.  (H/T Ohio Employer’s Law Blog)  The changes as a whole

This past week, I received a DVD in the mail from an organization called Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR).

While I have several friends and relatives serving in the military, I must confess that I hadn’t heard much about them before.

So what is ESGR?? Well, its a Department of Defense agency

Continuing my series of posts on the new FMLA regulations (parts one and two can be found here), today I’ll address a big chunk courtesy morgue file "files"of what the new regulations cover – Military Family Leave.   

You may recall from a post earlier this year that Congress passed a new law that extended FMLA leave to military families in certain situations.