You won’t find it (at least easily) on the Connecticut Department of Labor’s website.  (The Department’s FMLA page is void of any reference as well.)  

But late last month the CTDOL quietly released new regulations governing FMLA leave rights to school paraprofessionals. 

I’ve asked my colleagues, Jessica Ritter and Henry Zaccardi, to recap the

In a last minute notice and delay, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services announced that it is postponing, until April 3, 2009, the implementation of a new I-9 form and a revised list of acceptable documents to determine employment eligibility.  (For background, you can find my most recent post on the form here.)


Over the last month or so, I’ve noticed extraordinary interest amcourtesy morgue file, not public domainong readers about the new FMLA regulations.  So much so, that I’ve decided to put on a breakfast roundtable in Bridgeport and Hartford, CT on the subject.

Assuming we don’t get yet another snowstorm, like we’re having today, we’ve scheduled it for