Air Force Memorial in Arlington, VA

Today is Veterans Day (with no apostrophe for those spelling at home).  So besides saying a big “thank you” to all those who have served, it seems appropriate to revisit the laws applicable to veterans in the workplace in a post today.  (The U.S. Department of Labor has their own set of posts here.)

There are obviously many excellent resources for employers to turn to when dealing with or seeking out veterans in the workplace.  The DOL has created a “toolkit” for employers on the major issues that are implicated.  At a local level, the Connecticut Department of Labor also has a website to making sure that employers consider veterans in their hiring practices.

The key law for employers to understand is the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). The DOL has a separate interactive website devoted to the intricacies of the law.   But in case you only have a few minutes, here are the highlights:

What Employers Are Covered by USERRA?

Any person, institution, organization, or other entity that pays salary or wages for work performed or that has control over employment opportunities. There are no exceptions to coverage for the type of organization (i.e. charitable or government) or for small employers.Continue Reading Honoring Veterans Day: USERRA and Employment Law Resources

Here’s a quick update on some items and topics that have been covered by the blog over the past year:

  • Earlier this week, I raised the issue of whether the rising unemployment rate would also lead to more employment lawsuits. Reuters yesterday released a very good and balanced article on the subject. I shared my