With Paid Sick Leave coming to Connecticut on January 1, 2025, the CTDOL (and, ahem, some lawyers) have been fielding lots of questions from employers and employees about the new law.

As a result, the department has decided to issue two sets of documents that should be of significant help to employers (and their

Six years ago, posts about layoffs were in vogue.  But it’s been a long while since we focused on posts about hiring.

With the economy generally stable (or shall we dare say improving?), it seems appropriate to talk about job interview questions.

There are lots of posts about the “best” job interview questions

eeoc sealThe EEOC today released a "comprehensive question-and-answer guide" (but not regulations)  addressing how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) should be applied to a wide variety of performance and conduct issues. You can download the FAQs at their website here

In a press release accompanying the document, the EEOC noted that it released the guide in response