It’s late March, which means that it’s too soon to predict which bills at the Connecticut General Assembly are going to have enough support for final passage, but not too soon to take a look at what is on the table.

By “on the table”, I mean bills that have been voted out of the

capitoldasThe Connecticut General Assembly is back in session and with significant budget deficits looming, it’s not going to be an easy year for legislators.

From a labor and employment law session, once again it will be interesting to see what will be seriously considered.

A Bloomberg Law article late last week suggested that Democrats in

After being reported out of the Joint Committee on Commerce earlier this month, Senate Bill 79 received a joint favorable vote from the Labor & Public Employee Committee earlier today meaning that bill stays alive in this legislative session.

Senate Bill 79, even as revised, would prohibit employers from discriminating against an individual because

The new legislative session at the Connecticut General Assemblybegan last week and the Labor & Public Employee Committee wasted no time setting an agenda for bills for discussion in this short legislative session.

2012 Legislative Session Begins

At a committee meeting last Thursday, the Committee discussed a variety of

The Connecticut General Assembly is heating up and a number of employment-related bills are still alive this legislative session.

The Labor & Public Employee Committee has voted a number of bills out, meaning that they’re up for consideration by either the House or Senate, or another committee.  These include:

  • HB 5460 (which would prohibit so-called