With union organizing efforts making headlines at Amazon and Starbucks, a new bill in Connecticut is designed to make it even easier for unions to win organizing votes.

A bill banning so-called “captive audience” meetings won final approval from the Connecticut General Assembly late Friday; it moves to the Governor’s office where his approval

Is the pandemic over yet?

Obviously, the answer is no.  While Connecticut’s numbers have diminished significantly, other states are continuing to spike.

Thus, yesterday, Governor Lamont issued new Executive Order No. 7BBB mandating that visitors from certain states with high numbers of cases to self-quarantine.  My colleague Jarad Lucan and I have a full update

This morning, my firm put out an urgent alert regarding what businesses need to know about Executive Order 7H over the weekend.  My department’s collective guidance is included in that alert so I recommend it highly to you all.

You can find all of our alerts here.

The following is a portion of the alert