The timing for employers (which is basically any private business) to register with the state for the new Paid Family Medical Leave program couldn’t be worse or better, depending on your perspective.  It started November 1, 2020 and continues to run.

In just six weeks, employers will be required to start withholding .5% of a

The Connecticut General Assembly is already busy with a full compliment of employment law bills under consideration.  At this point, it seems likely that several will pass in one form or another and thus employers should be playing close attention to the developments.

Here are a few of the Senate ones that I’m watching (

GA2The Connecticut General Assembly is finalizing its budget implementation bill today and suffice to say that there are more than a few surprises in there. (CT News Junkie first highlighted it in a tweet, it should be noted.)

For employers, buried deep in the bill is Section 422 entitled: “PAID FAMILY AND